... Variety VigorRind Thickness cmFruit ShapeFruit UniformityAVR fruit weight kgNettingskin colorFlesh ColorBrixMaturity / DaysResistanceFirminesscavity size Image
77540 F1 Medium- High3 - 3.5 Yellow to light orangeLight creamy1585-90-HighSmall
77549 F1 Strong-OvalHigh3 - 3.5 Yellow to orangeWhite creamy1585-90-High Small to closed
77544 F1 Medium - strong-OvalHigh3 - 3.5 Yellow to orangeWhite1580-85-HighSmall
77550 Strong-Oval roundHigh3.5 - 4 Yellow to orangeWhite slightly greenish1585-90-HighSmall - medium
77578 F1 Medium-strong-Oval roundHigh3 Yellow to orangeWhite1585-90-HighSmall
77577 F1 Medium-OvalHigh4 - 5 Yellow to orangeWhite1585-90-HighVery small to closed
77581 F1 Medium-Oval roundHigh3.5 Yellow to orangeWhite1585-90-HighSmall-medium
77587 F1 Medium-strong-Oval roundHigh4 - 5 Yellow to orangeWhite1680-85-Medium-HighMedium-big
77588 F1 Strong-OvalHigh3 - 3.5 Yellow White slightly greenish1580-85-Medium-highMedium
77522 F1 Medium-strong-Oval roundHigh3 - 3.5 YellowWhite slightly greenish1580-85-Medium-highMedium